Sunday, March 20, 2011

SMS: Irish Soda Bread

I loved, loved, loved this bread! I would not even hesitate to make it again (and again and again... okay you get the idea) and that is really saying something because there was a small period of time while I was making this that I thought I would be less stressed trying to shop with all three of my kids (not fun). It really was an easy recipe except for the fact that it was way too liquidy (that might be a word) and I had to keep adding flour to keep it from adhering to my counter top. The only other change I made was to the baking time. I had to add about 10 more minutes. The recipe had the option of adding caraway seeds which I have but in the end I chose not to add them. They smelled great to me and I wanted to try them but I thought the kids may not go for it, so I played it safe and left the caraway seeds out. Next time....
Go check out the recipe on our host's blog, Little bit of Everything. If you don't have a favorite Soda Bread recipe (or even if you do) this may be the ONE :) Also take a little time to see how the other bakers fared. I hope everyone loves this as much as I do!
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  1. My dough was really wet too, and it caused my loaf to spread a ton during baking. Eh, we enjoyed it so all is well that ends well right? Glad you enjoyed the bread!

  2. Glad you liked the recipe so much! It's so great when you find those recipes that are favorites!!!

    Thanks for baking along with me!

  3. I baked a loaf too last week; but mine has the texture of a cake.

    Yours look yummy!
